About the Committee
The Transit Advisory Committee (TAC) will advise the Gila River Indian Community Department of Transportation (GRIC DOT) on Gila River Transit operations. TAC members will include one transit rider from each district. The TAC will meet quarterly to discuss concerns related to operating Gila River Transit, such as ridership, route structure and marketing. Members will be selected based on their position or interest and must also represent all citizens of GRIC in their role on the TAC. Please note there is no stipend for serving on the TAC.
Please click here for the membership application.
Formation of the TAC is authorized under Resolution GR-099-20. Please click here for the authorizing resolution.
Bylaws address committee name, objective, composition (qualification and terms), membership withdrawal, officers and duties, vacancies, meetings, parliamentary procedure, prohibited activities, impertinence-disturbance, and meeting. Please click here for the bylaws.
Agendas and Minutes
More will be placed here later.