We Can Adjust the Route to Meet Your Needs
Gila River Transit is a deviated fixed route system. We will deviate from the regular transit route, up to three quarters of a mile, to pick up or drop off passengers. Deviations must be requested in advance.
All fixed route buses are accessible to people with disabilities and provide for deviations from the fixed bus route up to three quarters of a mile from the transit route. Passengers can be picked up or dropped off at any safe location. Buses only travel on paved roads. Buses must be able to pull through without backing up to service your requested location. Buses cannot stop on high-speed roadways and must have a safe shoulder that accommodates the ramp. Please follow the driver’s instructions to ensure safety of all passengers.
To request a ride up to three quarters of a mile from a bus stop, please reserve at least two hours, and up to one day, in advance by calling the Dispatch Office at 520-562-6020.